Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sorry Buddy - From Mom

As I'm walking around this morning taking Teeko out, I ask myself if I'm going to put his food in his kong this morning. I usually do, but I was running late. Then, thinking about his food, I ask myself, "Did I feed you last night?" I start running through my night time ritual of getting ready, and no. I did not feed him. He didn't even cry or beg for it or give any indication like, 'hello, missing something?' He never does anyway, but when he eats he all but inhales it and freaks out excitedly as I'm pouring it into his bowl.

I think he just assumes he won't be eating, so he's extra excited when he gets to, cuz he lived on the street for God knows how long. So he probably didn't hear me offer him food, and just thought, 'Okay :(,' and went to bed. HOW SAD! As I eat pizza in front of him and send him away when he stares at me. Awwwwwe. Poor guy.

And the night before, I let him sleep in my bed. I woke up to him kicking me repeatedly, so I kicked him back, and he just kept on kicking. So I sit up and realized he was having a nightmare and twitching freakishly in his sleep.

I'm an asshole.