I was at mom's work...this guy with no hair just walked right up to me and said my name, how dare he walk toward me! So I jumped up and growled and barked in his face to tell him whose boss, and then I walked away quickly...not cuz I was scared...just cuz he wasn't worth my time ya know? But my mom made me sit in front of him and he pet me. Then I went into her office and at least there was a familiar face there! I let him pet me and then went expectantly to the door, waiting for Wiley's mom to come get me.
I waited forever! And I started to cry! It was like sooooooo long. But then she finally appeared. I was so excited, I forgot about my collar, my leash, that the floor has no traction, everything, and I just ran. I ran out of the office and slid across the slick floor, peeling out til I got some grip, then bolted out to what mom calls the 'show room' and almost ran into this big rack looking thing, and ppl were calling me, I realized. I was almost at the door when I heard the 'HERE' command. Why was mom such a downer all the time? Didn't she know the effort it took to get to the door?
I ran back and sat for her to put on the collar, and then I was off!!! Running running, and I wanted to go we needed to go were we even going to go why was no one going why am I just standing here at the door and no one is opening it so we can go are we going?
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