Thursday, January 26, 2012

I DON'T KNOW where Lucky is - From Teeko

They ask me all the time! Where's Lucky? Where is he?! I don't always know okay. Plus you sound really excited when you ask me, and then I find him, and usually he's just laying there. Well a couple nights ago, or maybe it was last night...or maybe 5 minutes ago...7 years ago? I'm pretty sure it was 19 days ago...I don't know, I'm horrible with time, anyway, my mom says, where is Lucky?

I. Don't. Know. Why don't you go find him if it's so important. She finally calls him, cuz I'm not gonna find him for you every time lady. So then I get curious because, Lucky doesn't come. I never know what he's doing back there! And he doesn't listen very well. I get this weird zapping feeling in my neck when I don't listen. Doesn't he get that too? Were we talking about treats? MEATLOAF? Bones...oh yes! Lucky. So mom starts to get worried as she begins searching the living room, goes down the hall, checks my Bat Cave area, and I'm curious so I'm following, then we both spot his tail.

Why is he laying on the other side of the desk? That's just weird. So we both wander over, he might have something of mine ya know, and he's laying in front of the empty water bowl, staring longingly at it.

"Wow dramatic much Lucky? Are ya thirsty?" Mom asks him, and he doesn't even glance at her! It's like he was hypnotized. My mom pours some, and I suddenly need some too...cuz Lucky does...and I need what he needs. Then Lucky finally came and played with me. Or should I say hung out with us. Or should I say laid by my mom...

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