Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stop Being Dramatic - From Mom

I've had two frames since December that I have not filled yet. Both are very cute and they are for dogs. Now that I'm moving desks, it's a perfect time to update some pics, I decided. Finding a pic where Teeko's eyes aren't glowing demonically, or where it's not blurred because he's being a spaz, is tough work! Some are fine, but just not 'frame worthy'. So why not take a few?

I get the camera, call him out of the Bat Cave (ie his kennel) and he rolls onto his back in his kennel, scared. When have I ever called him out of his kennel to yell at him? It's usually to go outside 90% of the time! I finally drag him out and talk nicely, give him some treats, and have him sit. As soon as I position the camera, he runs back in. This goes on until I take him into my bedroom so he can stop hiding.

Talking excitedly to him, I again prepare for awesome photographs to happen. His ears are back, and his eyes are wide, and he raises his paw in the air, as if to shield whatever beating is about to happen. Srsly, look at this. It's even blurred cuz he's jerking around spastically. 
"No mommy! Not the camera! Anything but the camera DEAR GOD IT'S POINTED AT ME!" I can all but hear his brain screaming in horror. Freak. I finally got his toy, and played with him for awhile, until he chewed on it happily, and got a decent pic. The other I used one Deana took with her much better camera. Even my phone camera he freaks out. What is that? Did someone used to take a picture of him then beat him with the camera? Was he raised by one of those tribes that thinks being in a picture takes away a piece of your soul? 

Psycho, anyway, this one was cute, finally! Of course he's happy, he's destroying something. Little shit.

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